Friday 28th June, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Ambrogio Di Negro in Banchi –  Salone di Rappresentanza

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Safety on sea and sea work is a complicated theme. On the one hand, the increase in maritime traffic and the growing sensitivity of the public opinion about the consequences deriving from naval accidents, is a pressing matter for all people involved in the maritime sector. This need must be tackled holistically both by designers and ship operators and by maritime authorities. Particular attention is also paid to the movements inside the port and to the approach phase to the docks and anchorage.

On the other hand, activities in the maritime and port area are characterized by the complex interaction between ground and on-board activities and by the co-presence of human and machine personnel. The session takes into consideration the current regulations and takes inspiration from situations and developments in other sectors, such as the guidelines in the field of cooperative robotics in the industrial and military sectors to trace a picture of safety on the job 4.0 in the maritime and port area and the related needs in the field of training and individual safety equipment, as well as the design and operation of new generation equipment.

Main Topics:

  • Risk assessment and prevention for the marine and port areas
  • Safety-driven ship designing and both ground and offshore works
  • Weather-marine modeling
  • Load safety and navigation comforts
  • Maritime and port infomobility
  • Accident prevention and safety in maritime work: regulations and good practices
  • Towards a cooperative robotics in the maritime and port areas
  • Personnel training
  • Design and projects to allow for cooperation and human-machine co-presence


8.30 a.m. Conference registration

CHAIRMAN: C.A. (CP) Piero Pellizzari, Maritime Director Veneto and Commander, Port of Venice

Welcome greetings
Nicola Carlone, Commander, Genoa Coast Guard

EMSA Special session

Keynote speeches

On the doorstep to E-maritime: opportunities and challenges
Andreas Nordseth, Chairman of Administrative Board, EMSA

“EMSA 5 years strategy”
Maja Markovčić Kostelac, Executive Director, EMSA

General Session

Chairman: Marco Starita, Mechanical Technical Naval Office Moroso Starita

Luigi Giardino, Rear Admiral (ITCG), Port Authorities

There’s not development without Safety!
Francesco Bandiera, President, Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti

Safety Differently
Claudio Costa, Head of HSSE, APM Terminals Vado Ligure

SRtP ASSIST – Shipboard Operator Smart Assistant for Safe Return to Port
Andrea Marchese, Design for Safety B.U Technology development responsible, CETENA

Maurizio Crucil, Specialist, Electrical and Control Systems, Lloyd’s Register

Safety on board and in ports: the legal framework and the liabilities
Lorenzo Pellerano, Partner, Studio Legale Berlingieri – Maresca

Francesco P. Mariani, General Secretary, Assoporti

1 p.m. Conclusion


Engineers will be awarded 3 training credits
Lawyers will be awarded 3 training credits


